Khalil Amani the Democrat aka Shitty Blood the Demon-Crat!
Peace everyone! We are back with another ass-whooping installment for our YouTube Street
stalker none other than Lloyd Rodney Clark aka Khalil Ashanti better known as Khalil Amani or
as we say in the YouTube Streets Mr. Witsec aka Shitty Blood. In this latest installment Israel
Doctrine will lay some Keynote Points to update the viewers of our ongoing battle with the
abominations of Khalil Amani the democrat.
This past Thursday was the first Presidential Debate for the 2024 Presidential Election
between former President Donald J. Trump and current President Joseph R. Biden.
Thursday night was also scheduled for an Israel Doctrine debate on Sa-Neter TV which
was cancelled as the debater failed to show up.
Khalil Amani who is a professor for the Democratic Party has not done a recap on how
his democratic buddy Joe Biden was a complete disaster for his party as he could barely
form sentences that were coherent and even at times allowed Donald Trump to mop
the floor with his rhetorical claims that he did this country good over the last 3 and a
half years.
We must discuss how akin to Joe Biden getting destroyed by his political opponent this
past Thursday Khalil Amani also has been destroying himself against me Israel Doctrine.
I would like the audience to notice that Khalil Amani keeps his democratic affiliations
visible with his Barack Obama bobble head and his references to his democratic Greek
frat buddy Bill Clinton.
I would also like to point out how Khalil Amani has akin to Barack Obama been a puppet
master for his YouTube candidate none other than Hassan ‘’Poppy’’ Campbell.
I direct the audience to go watch Khalil Amani latest video on his Khalil Amani Pork
Bellies channel where he yet again puts his own foot in his mouth akin to how he put his
foot in his step grandsons’ mouth when it comes to his attempt to debunk the use of the
word doxing.
As you watch Khalil go through the various google search definitions of the words one
finds that every definition defines what Khalil has done in the YouTube Streets to my
platform and others over the last six and a half years.
So, there is no confusion on Khalil and his doxing we first must point out that Khalil
Amani openly admitted that he obtained my address from his affiliate Leila Wills in
association with a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public participation placed against me in
Cook County Court in Chicago Illinois.
I must also add that the new audience may not remember that Khalil Amani was once
alleging that Leila Wills was placing herself in a Rico as a result of her statements of
sharing private addresses with Hassan Campbell and with the intent to inflict bodily
harm on Frank Gary and Brother Jabari.
Khalil Amani also admitted that he was aware of the doxing of my home in Parkin
Arkansas by none other than Michael Edwards the RBG Hebrew in association with
affiliates for Hassan Campbell.
The sending of sexually explicit content of minor children sent to my Facebook inbox
and then falsely reported against me by Hassan Campbell’s affiliate Candy and with
Michael Edwards is proof of claim that Khalil Amani is 100 percent in support of doxing
and also has doxed me claiming to have ties to my deceased mothers’ affiliates and
attempting to make false claims that I left Chicago as a result of having a STD.
I once had to call local law enforcement on Khalil when he threatened that he would
come see me in my hometown and as he affiliated with individuals that made open
death threats against me and my supporters live in the YouTube Streets.
Khalil Amani as a demon crat has aligned himself with the wrong political party and it
will show that he is on the wrong side of history as his parties’ current top Presidential
candidate is a complete mess and he has even had to admit it to his audience on his wall
as he attacks me and my affiliate the YouTube Street Queen.
Khalil Amani tries to make a game out of his criminality in association with Leila Wills,
Troi Star Torrain and Hassan Campbell not realizing that the paperwork sent to various
U.S. Government agencies about his activity is still in full effect.
Everything that I documented and sent to various agencies of the Federal Government
was prophetic in that it informed them of actions that had occurred prior but also
outlined events that would occur if those agencies failed to act upon the facts and
evidence that was presented.
Khalil Amani believes that his Greek frat affiliations and Government ties provides him
with immunity from future prosecution for his acts but as time moves forward, he is
going to find that his beliefs are as sound as his democratic friend Joe Biden forming a
complete sentence.
Khalil Amani thinks that his counterintelligence operation to get off subject and title is
working and to a huge degree I allow him to feel like his attempts are working,
Khalil Amani has destroyed his hip hop boss DJ Kay Slay and that man’s legacy and he
thinks that his spinning narratives will somehow get him out of a future where the
entire world hears about it.
Khalil Amani in his attempt to discredit me tries to show his audience my viewership and
videos that I have made on my channel not breaking 100 views.
Khalil Amani does not realize that I am totally aware of his and affiliates Troi Star Torrain
and Hassan Campbells being directly connected to the Executives at YouTube and how
they have systematically used those affiliations to have my content shadow banned and
false flagged to limit my usage in the algorithm.
What Khalil Amani also seems ignorant of is that prior to these recent attacks as far back
as when I sent out the documentation on his and his affiliates crimes that I also put
YouTube and Google on notice.
In putting the very platform I have been attacked on within my claims I effectively
created a scenario so that in my look back window akin to the child victims act I will be
able to take all my documentation and prove beyond any reason of a doubt that
YouTube breached the partnership agreement it made with me and also that they are a
party to real Racketeering and Influence Corrupt Organizations with Hassan Campbell
and all his affiliates.
Khalil Amani is trapped in a culture and instead of taking down Hassan Campbell, Leila
Wills, and Troi Star Torrain he decided to turn against me and Ronald Savage.
Which reminds me that Ronald Savage is also a democratic elected official and the way
they treat Ronald is a lot like how they are now treating Joe Biden following his disaster
of a debate against Donald Trump.
The news media and many Democrats turned on Joe Biden as quick as Khalil Amani
turned on me and the movement to find out what happened to the boy that stabbed
Afrika Bambaataa in 2013.
Just as many democrats turned on Joe for his recent debate performance they are going
to turn on Khalil also when they see how deep he is lined up inside of the Rico with his
Khalil Amani and his democratic friends are dishonorable and demonic people that for
political gain will use and abuse people inside their own political party just so they can
stay in power.
I am not saying all people who claim to be democrats are demonic but I am saying that
Khalil Amani and his frat buddies are definitely into child sex trafficking and covering up
crimes for the organizations that participate in that sort of debauchery and in
Khalil Amani when the pressure turns up will switch sides on Leila Wills, Troi Star
Torrain, and Hassan Campbell in a heartbeat when he realizes how deep what I have
done was structured to bring justice to the community.
Khalil Amani was caught red handed running interference for allegations of child sex
trafficking and running cover to place individuals involved into the L-B-G-T-Q community
with the hopes of scoring a movie deal from Sabir Bey for his washed-up cult story from
the 80’s.
No new expose of Khalil Amani’s life in the Yahweh cult will substitute that he was a
criminal trafficking illegal narcotics up and down the East Coast and causing countless
deaths and broken families in the 80’s and robbery of establishments before he became
a informant against his cult.
Khalil Amani could make 900 YouTube videos trying to discredit me and my platform but
not one of those videos are going to weave him out of what is coming in the near future
when it involves the lord God of Israel.
Khalil Amani lost the debate just like Joe Biden.
Khalil Amani may claim we never debated, or he never agreed to debate me but the
entire back and forth between us has been an informal debate and at way more times
than not that man has lost as bad as Joe Biden did on Thursday.
I beat Khalil on the term Israelite, I beat Khalil when the city of Chicago dropped the
false criminal charge placed on me by Leila Wills, which reminds me that Khalil Amani
claimed that I did not beat Leila Wills and that she won by dragging me up and down the
U.S. highways but I want to clarify that Leila Wills did not drop her false allegations
against me until the District Attorney dropped the false criminal charges placed on me.
Let me clarify to the YouTube Streets that two cases were placed against me by Leila
Wills, one case was civil and the other criminal. The criminal case which was placed in
the hands of the Cook County District Attorney was dropped and it was that which made
Leila Wills decide to withdraw her civil and we all know why that was in respects to how
false statements activating the Police State on my person could have led to criminal
charges against her.
Where Khalil believes Leila Wills played me like Bach or some dead symphony producer
in fact by her doing that to me it allowed me to obtain a direct record of her actions and
ways to align Khalil Amani and Hassan Campbell directly to what was sent to the Federal
Agencies and for them to monitor what has occurred since and Khalil Amani is in more
trouble than he can ever imagine.
I beat Khalil on his Ed Opperman expose of Kay Slay trafficking children as a minor to
Zulu Nation and what he told the world.
I beat Khalil when I showed he was telling Leila Wills she was in a Rico for doxing
addresses of YouTubers with Hassan Campbell and how he flipped flopped and joined
into their Rico.
I beat Khalil when I applied pressure, and he snitched on Michael Edwards and his
involvement with doxing my home with the Minor Attracted People video to my
Facebook and I was cleared of any wrongdoing by Cross County Sheriff’s.
I beat Khalil when I made him take his sophistication as a scholar and college graduate
and reduced him to a YouTuber making debauchery videos online.
Don’t believe the hype people as I see Khalil Amani as an abomination and that his plans
to look like a clean-cut law-abiding citizen is destroyed right along with his legacy.
I beat Khalil when he had to play around with the murder of his own God son and allow
Sa-Neter and Michael to use his death aligned into the Hassan Campbell narrative.
I beat Khalil when he had to use his grandson to replace the legacy of his murdered God
I beat Khalil when I showed he attacked me first before I ever went at him with
I beat Khalil when I played the audio of him saying to Tazzo TV ‘’You Better get that
fucking shot’’.
I beat Khalil when he tried to Mandela effect the YouTube streets on how many times
he collaborated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation after he informed on his cult
leader Yahweh Ben Yahweh.
I beat Khalil when I showed the YouTube Streets that Troi Star Torrain made him take
the Giovanni angle. Which also reminds me I beat Khalil up so bad on the Giovanni
narrative that after he made videos switching back to the original story.
Khalil Amani has been whooped so bad in the current he forgets that after he wrote of
Giovanni, he made videos about the boy that stabbed Bam and put the narrative back
opposite from what Star told hm.
Khalil must believe I did not keep the files of videos he made attacking me after
Giovanni and how he switched back when me and my movement was debunking the lies
Khalil Amani aka Shitty Blood is a DEMON-CRAT just like his father the Devil and his frat
affiliates and his political party at the core.
What a disgrace to the elderly Khalil Amani is and the youth need to know what this
wicked abomination has done to the so called Black, Hebrew Israelite, and to all races
with his lies and deceit in these YouTube Streets