Leila Wills fights The True Israel of God!
I want to be perfectly clear. I made a record of you entering my chat room on my platform yesterday on or about July 8, 2018 and harassing individuals who are either chat mods on my platform and others who may frequent my chat room. Any video reference of your image and likeness was not posted for monetization or for anything short of fair use in the public. To my knowledge I was not flagged via Youtube for any copy write infringement or any other violation that breaches Youtube community guidelines. In fact to avoid any further discrepancy I placed said video on private immediately following. Any content you refer via the video placed on private was solely made for my subscribers and was forwarded from social media to my person. The purpose of sharing said content with my subscribers was solely to inform them of the current status and whereabouts of Africa Bambaata who was alleged to have committed acts of molestation against Hassan Campbell and Ron Savage and how following said accusations was not brought to any justice. With regards to your documentary you will not find one video where I mentioned what content is in your intellectually property because factually I was never privy to that material. Any mention made to your upcoming documentary was solely with the all rights reserved to follow up with my own piece in the event that your piece omitted the on or about April 1, 2013 victim of Africa Bambaata who was alleged to be date rape by Bambaata and upon awakening stabbed him and his manager Ahmed Henderson. The said reports of the alleged stabbing of Bambaata following a young man being date raped was published on or about April 2, 2013 by writer Khalil Amani. When I first spoke to you it was merely to inform you of certain information you may not have been aware of on Hassan Campbell who was featured in the trailer to your documentary. Hassan Campbell openly admitted on social media and to a public audience that Africa Bambaata asked him to carry out a hit on the young man alleged to be date raped and stated that he was the hit man that was supposed to kill the young man. Following my attempt to have you reference the Queenzflip Episode #29 interview Hassan Campbell in retaliation has made online death threats and even bomb threats towards any individual who supported the push for the whereabouts of the young man reported on not only by Khalil Amani but also by Troi ‘’Star Torain. Another victim who you are aware of Ronald Savage also made a video blog asking for the young mans whereabouts in support for my efforts. Though you attempt to separate the incidents and occurrences in regards to my ongoing dispute with Hassan Campbell from your disputes with my platform they are absolutely connected based upon my first attempt to show you the footage I refer to on Queenzflip Episode #29. For clarity my chat mod never once made a comment with your name in it or referenced your documentary by name outside of commentary that he supports the young man who was allegedly date raped by Africa Bambaata on or about April 1, 2013. I do not appreciate you coming into a chat on my channel and attacking individuals who have nothing to do with slander on your name or on your documentary and furthermore in a show that had no reference of your name in the title or within the commentary at the time. In the event you are using your previous correspondence to contract me for a suit. TAKE NOTICE any attempt to discredit my platform or individuals who frequent my platform will be met with a counter suit for defamation and slander. Be advised that in the event you attempt to falsify the record of any court in these 50 States I will respond with a counter claim for said false claim and absolutely motion for discover all evidence into the record. The discovery will include death threats made by Hassan Campbell towards those who frequent my platform and myself. In closing Khalil Amani has wrote numerous pieces on my platforms contributions to seeing that the narrative surrounding Bambaata remain factual and accurate. The death threats made by Hassan Campbell against others and myself was all following my initial attempts to reach out to you about Hassan’s potential involvement in an illegal racket. The said illegal racket included but was not limited to sexual misconduct against minors including pederasty, pedophilia and the potential contract killings of victims associated with death threats on parties who speak out publically. All who partook in said events including your attempt to harass individuals in my chat room will be referenced as one event and you named a party to the matter. Feel free if you would like to settle these matters in the private to contact me in order to review the information that led to my reaching out to you to begin with.