Israel Doctrine: Gatekeeper of the Afrika Bambaataa Narrative!
Info-Activist, Carl Albert was fight for order in 2017.
Posted by Khalil Amani on November 28, 2017 at 11:00pm
Israel Doctrine: Gatekeeper of the Afrika Bambaataa Narrative! By Khalil Amani
(YouTuber Israel Doctrine)
In this Internet world of YouTubers, which is filled to the rim with a motley crew of socalled “conscious” folk of various persuasions—who are constantly at odds with one another—sides are drawn in the Internet sands and the war of words is more venomous than a cobra’s bite! There are no rules of engagement for these YouTube combatants. “All’s fair in love and war!”
Every great story needs a hero and an antihero—a protagonist and an antagonist.
Enter Israel Doctrine and welcome to the “Israel Doctrine Show!” Who is Israel Doctrine? A YouTuber who has diligently done his homework in the Afrika Bambaataa child molestation “shituation.” Israel Doctrine is fiercely known for his scathing rebuke of Hassan “Poppy” Campbell’s narrative of the events surrounding the Afrika Bambaataa child molestation scandal. Israel’s barrage of videos on Poppy are merciless—even epic! I don’t know if this dude has a job or not, but like that viral video of that white boy who didn’t wanna fight one day, but the next day he said, “I got time today!”—Israel Doctrine seems to have time today—and every day to go at Hassan, as evidenced by his rapidfire succession of videos on Poppy.
Israel Doctrine has many haters and enemies. One YouTuber calls him a “gorilla.” Other YouTubers get on his case about his lack of reading skills and his 1970’s panelling on his walls —some say he lives in his grandmother’s basement. Others say his YouTube channel is boring and puts them to sleep, but I submit to you that there’s something about that guy’s show that people tune in to watch.
Somewhere along the way, Israel Doctrine and Hassan “Poppy” Campbell became enemies—so much so that Poppy, on at least two occasions fantasized about exhuming—digging up Israel’s deceased mother and violating her corpse by hitting her over the head with a shovel! Now why he go and say that? What could Israel possibly have said to illicit such a vile response? Aside from talking about Poppy’s mother first, there is no justification for such venom! Poppy’s response was the equivalent of that playground retort when a kid has been verbally thrashed in a friendly game of “Da Dozens.” Poppy had no comeback to Israel’s information, so it was his, “Yo’ mama!” comeback. Speaking on a dead woman was Poppy’s way of conceding defeat at the hands of his YouTube playground nemesis—Israel Doctrine.
(Hassan "Poppy" Campbell)
Israel Doctrine hijacked—stole—snatched—and Debo’d the Afrika Bambaataa conversation from Poppy. Israel has become a modernday bodysnatcher—the gatekeeper of the Afrika Bambaataa narrative. Why did Israel Doctrine steal Poppy’s narrative? There are a few sayings that come to mind. #1. “Let sleeping dogs lie” and #2. “Stray dogs don’t bark at parked cars.” Poppy woke up a menace in Israel Doctrine by talking about his deceased mother! Israel went looking for the YouTube bully—Poppy—and caught him on his Bronx River Housing Project YouTube steps eating a spam sammich and slapped the dogshit out of him with his new spin— yea—his new narrative on the Afrika Bambaataa story.
Israel Doctrine began an overt campaign of information—a methodical, cogent deconstruction of the Afrika Bambaataa narrative that put Poppy at the center of a pedophile ring and co conspirator with Bambaataa. Poppy should’ve “let that sleeping dog lie,” but, instead, he talked about that man’s dearly beloved deceased mother and set in motion his own deconstruction. With the investigative rigor of a journalist, Israel Doctrine was able to show that Hassan “Poppy” Campbell became a willing coconspirator in Afrika Bambaataa’s pedophile ring, which was the Moorish Zulu Nation—which is covertly aligned with N.A.M.B.L.A. (North American Man Boy Lover Association) through one of its strongest voices, author Hakim Bey—a Moorish American and student of Noble Drew Ali himself.
Further correcting Poppy’s pseudo narrative, Israel Doctrine introduced his YouTube audience to a little known fella named Khalil Amani (that would be me!)—Whom, as it turned out, was actually the first person to break this whole Afrika Bambaataa thingy in the media—a claim which is backed up by timestamps and Dave Wedge, the guy who wrote a comprehensive spread on Bambaataa and the Zulu Nation.
Undiagnosed “Stockholm Syndrome” or not, Poppy’s own words tell a story of a man who put out a video, calling Bambaataa a child molester and then being pressed by the Zulu Nation to take it down and remain silent. He agreed and negotiated—a tombstone for a friend, a rec center for the children and Bambaataa to step down as the leader of the Zulu Nation. For these 30 pieces of silver three things, Poppy would agree to shut his yaptrap.
Unbeknownst to Poppy, another victim of Bambaataa, Ronald Savage came forward—willingly —of his own freewill and volition and became the first official victim of Afrika Bambaataa’s molestation to tell his story. Mysteriously, Poppy’s old video on Bambaataa resurfaced, putting him in the molestation conversation, even though he’d settled his beef with Bambaataa. Most of us, including myself, have never seen Poppy’s video. Still ain’t seen it! How did Poppy respond to Savage coming out and his video resurfacing? Poppy wanted to split Savage’s “head to the white meat!” After making a deal with Bambaataa to remain silent, Poppy was now forced to confront the situation and it is only then that Poppy really comes out as a molested victim of Bambaataa and claims to be an advocate. This is the story which Israel Doctrine cogently weaves together.
In the beginning, we were empathetic and sympathetic towards Poppy—but with each Poppy video—his anger—and vitriol—his vile, crude and cruel demeanor—his bragging about being a murderer—his absolute ignorance on human sexuality in leapfrogging homosexuality into pedophilia turned Poppy from victim to victimizer. With each Poppy video we felt cheated out of standing up for him. Attacking dead people, wives, spreading AIDS rumors—snitching on fake assassination attempts. The more we listened, the more we became turned off. And where was Ronald Savage? The real true hero of this saga. Shame on all of us for being transfixed on Poppy’s “guns & butter” molestation story and relegating Ronald Savage’s bravery to a footnote in hiphop history. Savage’s softspoken honesty wasn’t our cup of tea. We wanted that rough, rugged and raw shit, so we fell for Poppy’s narrative.
And then the dude from Arkansas pulled down Hassan “Poppy” Campbell’s pants and exposed his teenie weenie phallus (no homo!), which was his false narrative. Israel Doctrine has become the Gatekeeper of the Afrika Bambaataa Narrative! Give the boy his due!
Khalil Amani is gay hip-hop's "Straight Advocate." He writes for, DJ Kay Slay’s Originators & Straight Stuntin Magazines. He’s been featured in L.A. Times, Spin Magazine,, The Biography Channel. Author of six books, including the groundbreaking “Hip-Hop Homophobes...” ( ’07).