Israel Doctrine

Israel Doctrine

Now Israel Doctrine is the teaching of a God's people God’s elect who has a unique memory that reaches back through a long chain of tradition do to the stirring events of the Bible, events that formed them as a people with a sense of identity and vocation. Whenever the Feasts Day is celebrated, the Bible is read on the Sabbath, the Lord’s Royal & Dietary Law are observe, or when parents instruct their children in the tradition, these memories are kept alive. It is also the formal term used to describe the Oneness of the divine authority (teaching and instructions) by the God of Israel threw his elect Prophets and Apostles, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone, those Israelite chosen of God to do so.

We holds no affiliation, partnership or subsidiary with any other Israelite organization, website or congregation bearing the name Israelite, or Israel in it's name in the world wide. Although some exterior similarities may be found between us and others, beneath the surface there are key fundamental doctrine/teaching that have caused us to be accurately unique and separate. Only the branches that appear on this site are a part of Israel Doctrine Entertainment.


The formal term of Israel Doctrine is used to describe the oneness of the divine authority of The God of Israel. The instructions or teaching that was taught as principles to his minister’s, men of The Nation of Israel for whom Israel Doctrine was named after. Therefore the Doctrine is credited to The God of Israel, Jesus, and Those build up on him to instruct the rest of the sons of Adam. Now Israel Doctrine has been established through the activities of this chosen nation. Yes, the once God foreknew.